Source code for

"""Module containing :class:``."""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List

from cozmo.lights import Light

from song_match.cube_mat import CubeMat
from .note import Note

[docs]class Song(ABC): """Abstract base class for songs. Currently only supports songs with 3 notes. Must override **4** abstract properties: 1. ``_notes`` - A list of 3 :class:`` instances in ascending order by pitch. 2. ``_sequence`` - A sequence of :class:`` instances that make up the song. 3. ``_cube_lights`` - A list of 3 :class:`~cozmo.lights.Light` instances. 4. ``_difficulty_markers`` - A list of indices where the song ramps up in difficulty. """
[docs] def get_note(self, cube_id: int) -> Note: """Get the :class:`` for a corresponding cube. :param cube_id: :attr:`~cozmo.objects.LightCube.cube_id` :return: The :class:`` of the cube. """ mat_position = CubeMat.cube_id_to_position(cube_id) index = self._get_index(mat_position) return self._notes[index]
[docs] def play_note(self, cube_id: int) -> None: """Play the note for a corresponding cube. :param cube_id: :attr:`~cozmo.objects.LightCube.cube_id` :return: None """ note = self.get_note(cube_id) return
[docs] def get_cube_light(self, cube_id: int) -> Light: """Get the :class:`~cozmo.lights.Light` for a corresponding cube. :param cube_id: :attr:`~cozmo.objects.LightCube.cube_id` :return: :class:`~cozmo.lights.Light` for the corresponding cube. """ index = self._get_index_from_mat_position(cube_id) return self._cube_lights[index]
[docs] def get_cube_id(self, note: Note) -> int: """Get the Cube ID for a corresponding note. :param note: The :class:`` of the song. :return: :attr:`~cozmo.objects.LightCube.cube_id` """ cube_id = self._notes.index(note) + 1 return CubeMat.cube_id_to_position(cube_id)
[docs] def get_sequence(self) -> List[Note]: """Get the sequence of notes. :return: A sequence of notes. """ return self._sequence
[docs] def get_sequence_slice(self, end: int) -> List[Note]: """Get a slice of the sequence up to and including end. :param end: The end position of the sequence. :return: A sequence of notes up until a certain position. """ return self._sequence[0:end]
[docs] def is_not_finished(self, position: int) -> bool: """Returns whether or not the song is finished based upon the position in the sequence. :param position: The position in the sequence of notes. :return: True if the song is not finished. False otherwise. """ return not self.is_finished(position)
[docs] def is_finished(self, position: int) -> bool: """Returns whether or not the song is finished based upon the position in the sequence. :param position: The position in the sequence of notes. :return: True if the song is finished. False otherwise. """ return position > self.length
[docs] def get_difficulty_markers(self) -> List[int]: """Markers which determine at what position the song ramps up in difficulty. There are two difficulty markers: 1. Medium 2. and Long The game starts incrementing by 1 note at a time. Once the game reaches medium, it increments by 2 notes at a time. Once the game reaches long, it increments by 3 notes at a time. :return: A list of difficulty markers. """ return self._difficulty_markers
[docs] def get_medium_difficulty_marker(self) -> int: """Get the medium difficulty length marker. :return: Medium difficulty marker. """ medium_marker, long_marker = self._difficulty_markers return medium_marker
[docs] def get_long_difficulty_marker(self) -> int: """Get the long difficulty length marker. :return: Long difficulty marker. """ medium_marker, long_marker = self._difficulty_markers return long_marker
[docs] def is_sequence_long(self, sequence_length: int) -> bool: """Get whether the length of a sequence is long. "Long" is defined as being greater than the medium difficulty marker. :param sequence_length: The length of a sequence of notes. :return: Whether the sequence is long """ long_difficulty_marker = self.get_long_difficulty_marker() return sequence_length > long_difficulty_marker
@property def length(self) -> int: """Property for accessing the length of the song. :return: The length of the song. """ return len(self._sequence) @staticmethod def _get_index(cube_id: int): return cube_id - 1 @classmethod def _get_index_from_mat_position(cls, cube_id: int): mat_position = CubeMat.cube_id_to_position(cube_id) return cls._get_index(mat_position) @property @abstractmethod def _notes(self) -> List[Note]: """Returns a list of 3 notes in ascending order by pitch.""" @property @abstractmethod def _sequence(self) -> List[Note]: """Returns a sequence of notes that make up the song.""" @property @abstractmethod def _cube_lights(self) -> List[Light]: """A list of 3 lights for each cube.""" @property @abstractmethod def _difficulty_markers(self) -> List[int]: """A list of indices where the song ramps up in difficulty."""