Source code for song_match.option_prompter

from asyncio import sleep
from typing import List

from cozmo.objects import EvtObjectTapped
from cozmo.objects import LightCubeIDs

from .cube import NoteCubes
from .cube_mat import CubeMat
from .song_robot import SongRobot
from .sound_effects import play_collect_point_sound

[docs]class OptionPrompter: """A class to help the user select an option from three different choices.""" def __init__(self, song_robot: SongRobot): self._song_robot = song_robot
[docs] async def get_option(self, prompt: str, options: List[str]) -> int: """Prompts the user to select from three different options by tapping a cube. 1. Cozmo will prompt the user with ``prompt``. 2. Cozmo will point to each cube saying the corresponding ``option``. 3. The light chaser effect will start signaling the game is awaiting user input. 4. Upon successful tap ``collect-point.wav`` is played and the cube flashes green. :param prompt: The prompt for Cozmo to say. :param options: A list of options associated with each cube. :return: :attr:`~cozmo.objects.LightCube.cube_id` of the tapped cube. """ assert len(options) == 3 await self._song_robot.say_text(prompt).wait_for_completed() sleep(1) for i, cube_id in enumerate(LightCubeIDs): prompt = options[i] await self._song_robot.say_text(prompt).wait_for_completed() mat_position = CubeMat.cube_id_to_position(cube_id) action = await self._song_robot.tap_cube(mat_position) await action.wait_for_completed() note_cubes = NoteCubes.of(self._song_robot) note_cubes.start_light_chasers() event = await cube_id = event.obj.cube_id note_cubes.stop_light_chasers() play_collect_point_sound() await note_cubes.flash_single_cube_green(cube_id) await sleep(1) return CubeMat.cube_id_to_position(cube_id)