Source code for song_match.cube.note_cubes

"""Module containing :class:`~song_match.cube.note_cubes.NoteCubes`."""

from asyncio import sleep
from typing import List

from cozmo.lights import off_light, green_light, red_light, Light
from cozmo.objects import LightCube

from import Song
from song_match.song_robot import SongRobot
from .note_cube import NoteCube
from .util import get_light_cubes

[docs]class NoteCubes: """Container class for three :class:`~song_match.cube.note_cube.NoteCube`.""" def __init__(self, note_cubes: List[NoteCube], song: Song): self._note_cubes = note_cubes self._song = song
[docs] @staticmethod def of(song_robot: SongRobot) -> 'NoteCubes': """Static factory method for creating :class:`~song_match.cube.note_cubes.NoteCubes` from :class:`~song_match.song_robot.SongRobot`. :param song_robot: :class:`~song_match.song_robot.SongRobot` """ light_cubes = get_light_cubes(song_robot) note_cubes = get_note_cubes(light_cubes, return NoteCubes(note_cubes,
[docs] def turn_on_lights(self) -> None: """Turn on the light for each note cube. This method turns on the lights assigned in :class:``. :return: None """ for note_cube in self._note_cubes: note_cube.turn_on_light()
[docs] async def flash_lights_green(self, num_times: int = 3, delay=0.15) -> None: """Flash the lights of each cube green. :param num_times: The number of times to flash green. :param delay: Time in seconds between turning the light on and off. :return: None """ for _ in range(num_times): self.set_lights_off() await sleep(delay) self.set_lights(green_light) await sleep(delay) self.turn_on_lights()
[docs] async def flash_lights(self, num_times: int = 4, delay=0.15) -> None: """Flash the lights of each cube. :param num_times: The number of times to flash lights. :param delay: Time in seconds between turning the light on and off. :return: None """ for _ in range(num_times): self.set_lights_off() await sleep(delay) self.turn_on_lights() await sleep(delay)
[docs] def set_lights(self, light: Light) -> None: """Call :meth:`~cozmo.objects.LightCube.set_lights` for each cube. :param light: :class:`~cozmo.lights.Light` :return: None """ for cube in self._note_cubes: cube.set_lights(light)
[docs] def set_lights_off(self) -> None: """Call :meth:`~cozmo.objects.LightCube.set_lights_off` for each cube. :return: None """ for cube in self._note_cubes: cube.set_lights_off()
[docs] async def start_and_stop_light_chasers(self, time_before_stop=2) -> None: """Starts and stops the light chaser effect for each cube. :param time_before_stop: Time to wait before the light chaser effect stops (in seconds). :return: None """ first_cube, second_cube, third_cube = self._note_cubes first_cube.start_light_chaser() second_cube.start_light_chaser() third_cube.start_light_chaser() await sleep(time_before_stop) first_cube.stop_light_chaser() second_cube.stop_light_chaser() third_cube.stop_light_chaser()
[docs] def start_light_chasers(self) -> None: """Starts the light chaser effect for each cube. :return: None """ first_cube, second_cube, third_cube = self._note_cubes first_cube.start_light_chaser() second_cube.start_light_chaser() third_cube.start_light_chaser()
[docs] def stop_light_chasers(self) -> None: """Stops the light chaser effect for each cube. :return: None """ first_cube, second_cube, third_cube = self._note_cubes first_cube.stop_light_chaser() second_cube.stop_light_chaser() third_cube.stop_light_chaser()
[docs] async def start_light_chasers_and_flash_lights(self, num_times=2) -> None: """Starts the light chaser effect and flashes the cubes :param num_times: The number of times to perform the light chaser effect and flash the cubes. :return: None """ for _ in range(num_times): await self.start_and_stop_light_chasers() await self.flash_lights()
[docs] async def flash_single_cube_red(self, cube_id: int) -> None: """Convenience method for calling :meth:`~song_match.cube.note_cubes.NoteCubes.flash_single_cube` with a :data:`~cozmo.lights.red_light`. :param cube_id: :attr:`~cozmo.objects.LightCube.cube_id` :return: None """ await self.flash_single_cube(cube_id, red_light)
[docs] async def flash_single_cube_green(self, cube_id: int) -> None: """Convenience method for calling :meth:`~song_match.cube.note_cubes.NoteCubes.flash_single_cube` with a :data:`~cozmo.lights.green_light`. :param cube_id: :attr:`~cozmo.objects.LightCube.cube_id` :return: None """ await self.flash_single_cube(cube_id, green_light)
[docs] async def flash_single_cube(self, cube_id: int, light: Light) -> None: """Flashes the light of a single cube, while turning the lights of the other cubes off. :param cube_id: :attr:`~cozmo.objects.LightCube.cube_id` :param light: The :class:`~cozmo.lights.Light` to flash. :return: None """ for cube in self._note_cubes: if cube.cube_id == cube_id: cube.set_lights(light) else: cube.set_lights(off_light) note_cube = self.__get_note_cube(cube_id) await note_cube.flash(light, 3) self.turn_on_lights()
def __get_note_cube(self, cube_id: int) -> NoteCube: """Convenience method to get a note cube.""" return next(cube for cube in self._note_cubes if cube.cube_id == cube_id)
[docs]def get_note_cubes(light_cubes: List[LightCube], song: Song) -> List[NoteCube]: """Convert a list of light cubes to note cubes. :param light_cubes: A list of three :class:`~cozmo.objects.LightCube` instances. :param song: :class:`` :return: A list of three :class:`~song_match.cube.note_cube.NoteCube` instances. """ return list(map(lambda cube: NoteCube(cube, song), light_cubes))