Source code for cozmo.lights

# Copyright (c) 2016 Anki, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License in the file LICENSE.txt or at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

'''Helper routines for dealing with Cozmo's lights and colors.'''

# __all__ should order by constants, event classes, other classes, functions.
__all__ = ['green', 'red', 'blue', 'white', 'off',
           'green_light', 'red_light', 'blue_light', 'white_light', 'off_light',
           'Color', 'Light']

import copy

from . import logger

class Color:
    '''A Color to be used with a Light.

    Either int_color or rgb may be used to specify the actual color.
    Any alpha components (from int_color) are ignored - all colors are fully opaque.

        int_color (int): A 32 bit value holding the binary RGBA value (where A
            is ignored and forced to be fully opaque).
        rgb (tuple): A tuple holding the integer values from 0-255 for (red, green, blue)
        name (str): A name to assign to this color

    def __init__(self, int_color=None, rgb=None, name=None): = name
        self._int_color = 0
        if int_color is not None:
            self._int_color = int_color | 0xff
        elif rgb is not None:
            self._int_color = (rgb[0] << 24) | (rgb[1] << 16) | (rgb[2] << 8) | 0xff

    def int_color(self):
        '''int: The encoded integer value of the color.'''
        return self._int_color

#: :class:`Color`: Green color instance.
green = Color(name="green", int_color=0x00ff00ff)

#: :class:`Color`: Red color instance.
red = Color(name="red", int_color=0xff0000ff)

#: :class:`Color`: Blue color instance.
blue = Color(name="blue", int_color=0x0000ffff)

#: :class:`Color`: White color instance.
white = Color(name="white", int_color=0xffffffff)

#: :class:`Color`:  instance representing no color (LEDs off).
off = Color(name="off")

class Light:
    '''Lights are used with LightCubes and Cozmo's backpack.

    Lights may either be "on" or "off", though in practice any colors may be
    assigned to either state (including no color/light).

    def __init__(self, on_color=off, off_color=off, on_period_ms=250,
            off_period_ms=0, transition_on_period_ms=0, transition_off_period_ms=0):
        self._on_color = on_color
        self._off_color = off_color
        self._on_period_ms = on_period_ms
        self._off_period_ms = off_period_ms
        self._transition_on_period_ms = transition_on_period_ms
        self._transition_off_period_ms = transition_off_period_ms

    def on_color(self):
        ''':class:`Color`: The Color shown when the light is on.'''
        return self._on_color

    def on_color(self, color):
        if not isinstance(color, Color):
            raise TypeError("Must specify a Color")
        self._on_color = color

    def off_color(self):
        ''':class:`Color`: The Color shown when the light is off.'''
        return self._off_color

    def off_color(self, color):
        if not isinstance(color, Color):
            raise TypeError("Must specify a Color")
        self._off_color = color

    def on_period_ms(self):
        '''int: The number of milliseconds the light should be "on" for for each cycle.'''
        return self._on_period_ms

    def on_period_ms(self, ms):
        if not 0 < ms < 2**32:
            raise ValueError("Invalid value")
        self._on_period_ms = ms

    def off_period_ms(self):
        '''int: The number of milliseconds the light should be "off" for for each cycle.'''
        return self._off_period_ms

    def off_period_ms(self, ms):
        if not 0 < ms < 2**32:
            raise ValueError("Invalid value")
        self._off_period_ms = ms

    def transition_on_period_ms(self):
        '''int: The number of milliseconds to take to transition the light to the on color.'''
        return self._transition_on_period_ms

    def transition_on_period_ms(self, ms):
        if not 0 < ms < 2**32:
            raise ValueError("Invalid value")
        self._transition_on_period_ms = ms

    def transition_off_period_ms(self):
        '''int: The number of milliseconds to take to transition the light to the off color.'''
        return self._transition_off_period_ms

    def transition_off_period_ms(self, ms):
        if not 0 < ms < 2**32:
            raise ValueError("Invalid value")
        self._transition_off_period_ms = ms

    def flash(self, on_period_ms=250, off_period_ms=250, off_color=off):
        '''Convenience function to make a flashing version of an existing Light instance.

            on_period_ms (int): The number of milliseconds the light should be "on" for for each cycle.
            off_period_ms (int): The number of milliseconds the light should be "off" for for each cycle.
            off_color (:class:`Color`): The color to flash to for the off state.
            :class:`Color` instance.
        flasher = copy.copy(self)
        flasher.on_period_ms = on_period_ms
        flasher.off_period_ms = off_period_ms
        return flasher

def _set_light(msg, idx, light):
    # For use with clad light messages specifically.
    if not isinstance(light, Light):
        raise TypeError("Expected a lights.Light")
    msg.onColor[idx] = light.on_color.int_color
    msg.offColor[idx] = light.off_color.int_color
    msg.onPeriod_ms[idx] = light.on_period_ms
    msg.offPeriod_ms[idx] = light.off_period_ms
    msg.transitionOnPeriod_ms[idx] = light.transition_on_period_ms
    msg.transitionOffPeriod_ms[idx] = light.transition_off_period_ms

#There is a glitch so it will always flash unless on_color==off_color
#ticket is COZMO-3319

#: :class:`Light`: A steady green colored LED light.
green_light = Light(on_color=green, off_color=green)

#: :class:`Light`: A steady red colored LED light.
red_light = Light(on_color=red, off_color=red)

#: :class:`Light`: A steady blue colored LED light.
blue_light = Light(on_color=blue, off_color=blue)

#: :class:`Light`: A steady white colored LED light.
white_light = Light(on_color=white, off_color=white)

#: :class:`Light`: A steady off (non-illuminated LED light).
off_light = Light(on_color=off, off_color=off)